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In Search of Tunga Prosperity, Almighty God, and Lives in Motion in a Malian Provincial Town

Discussion autour de l’ouvrage d’André Chappatte (Global Studies Institute, Université de Genève), dans le cadre des « Débats du CéSor »

Discutants : Aïssatou Mbodj-Pouye (CNRS-IMAF) et Paul Rollier (CNRS-CéSor)

Le 21 mars 2023 (report de la séance du 7 mars)
16h à 18h

OÙ :
Campus Condorcet - Bâtiment nord, 3e étage
Salle 3.OO1


En présentiel et distanciel : Le lien de connexion sera envoyé aux inscrits le matin du débat

This volume on Muslim life focuses on young male migrants of rural origin who move to build better lives in Bougouni, a provincial town in southwest Mali. Describing themselves as “simply Muslims” and “adventurers”, these migrants aim to be both prosperous and good Muslims. Drawing upon seventeen months of fieldwork, author André Chappatte explores their sense of prosperity and piety as they embark on tunga (adventure), a customary search for money and more in a tradition that dates back to the colonial period.

André Chappatte is Assistant Professor at the Global Studies Institute, University of Geneva.

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