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Abdaljbar ALHAJ MUSTAFA MOHAMED EJAMI, chercheur invité FMSH et IMAF 2023-2024

Abdaljbar Alhaj Mustafa Mohamed Ejami was lecturer in Anthropology in the Faculty of Economics and Social Studies at the University of Khartoum. Since 2022, Abdeljabar Alhaj Mustafa Mohamed EJAMI holds a PhD from the University of Paris 8 and his PhD dissertation was entitled “Colonial and Postcolonial Politics of Religion and Ethnicity : Historical Anthropology of Eastern Sudan’s Marginalization”. As a researcher, he has been taking part in the THAWRA-SuR project, funded by the Agence Nationale de la Recherche, looking at the social dynamics following the Sudanese Revolution of 2018. In 2023, doctor Abdeljabar Alhaj Mustafa Mohamed EJAMI was granted the APN-Individual Research Fellowship under the project “Custom and power at time of Revolution : the galad institution and peacebuilding in post-Inghaz Eastern Sudan”.
His current research areas are dealing with the construction of identities and the reactualization of colonial legacy through postcolonial governmentality shaping inequalities and producing conflicts in Eastern Sudan. More recently, he has undertaken research in sociology of literature especially focusing on dialectic of poetry and expression of power. During his stay to IMAF, Abdeljabar Alhaj Mustafa Mohamed EJAMI will work with Lucie Revilla on topics related to the study of political Islam in Sudan.

Référente IMAF :
Lucie Révilla
Dates du séjour : octobre 2023 à mars 2024
Contexte du séjour : Bourse visiting scholar de l’IMAF/CEDEJ-Khartoum + programme THEMIS de la FMSH
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